Air Filters: What You Need to Know

Learn about how you can use Air Filters to reduce pollutants in your home's central heating and AC ducts or portable Air Purifiers.

Air Filters: What You Need to Know

Air and HVAC filters are designed to filter out contaminants or particles from the air passing through them. Air cleaning and filtration can help reduce pollutants in the air, including particles that contain viruses. Portable air purifiers (also known as air purifiers) can be particularly useful when additional ventilation with outdoor air is not possible without compromising indoor comfort (temperature or humidity), or when outdoor air pollution is high.

Air filters

in your home's central heating and air conditioning ducts or in portable air purifiers help remove indoor pollutants. Allergists often recommend a good brand of mattress covers and pillows for beds, as well as air filters in the attic, where it's usually dusty, and downstairs.

This is to prevent respiratory problems caused by dust. Some air purifiers can actually irritate allergies instead of helping them. Ionic electrostatic cleaners release ions that force particles to adhere to walls or surfaces, but they don't remove all particles from the air, and the ozone that is produced is a known irritant. Low-cost fiberglass oven filters have also proven to be ineffective.

Not changing the filter regularly can also cause more harm than good. Many air purifiers designed for home use claim to control allergy symptoms, but there is no scientific evidence that air purifiers with ionizers that use UV light that supposedly kill bacteria are effective for allergies. In the case of pet dander, particles that cause pet allergies can be removed by using an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said that HEPA filters can remove up to 99.97% of dust, pollen and any particles in the air with a size of 0.3 microns. That means they could help eliminate airborne pet dander. For more information, see the EPA guidance on indoor air quality in your home.

In the general room, the team found SARS-CoV-2 particles in the air when the filter was turned off, but not when it was turned on. We have published a separate guide for air quality monitors, which we have found are often the best way to better understand the effects of a purifier on air quality, even though they are separate devices that do not directly control the operation of the purifier. It's all too easy to start operating an air purifier without first removing the plastic wrap that the filter comes in. These findings suggest that the use of portable HEPA air filters and universal masking may reduce exposure to simulated SARS-CoV-2 aerosols indoors, and that greater reductions occur when air filters and masking are used together. But according to Kevin Shim, director of Coway US (an appliance company known for its air and water purifiers), these standard filters, while certainly effective, are not as efficient as HEPA filters.

Multiple studies of room air purifiers show that the use of HEPA filters results in reductions of 50 percent or more in particulate matter. Using ACH to categorize air purifiers overcomes a common problem in the way manufacturers rate their air purifiers in their advertising. DIY air purifiers can provide some benefits for reducing concentrations of viruses and other indoor air pollutants, but research is limited and there are several important considerations explained below. Portable air filters and HVAC filters alone aren't enough to protect people from the virus that causes COVID-19. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) adds that air purifiers are useful “when additional ventilation with outside air is not possible (for example, when a window at home or work cannot be opened). In addition, Cabiclean and Durabasics filters fit perfectly into the machine, hermetically sealing their edges to prevent unfiltered air from escaping another important factor in HEPA performance. The team chose high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which expel air through a fine mesh that traps extremely small particles.

There have been questions as to whether DIY air filters can be effective in reducing virus particles indoors. The best ways to improve indoor air quality are to eliminate pollutant sources and ventilate with fresh, clean outdoor air. This combination of filters makes it remarkably quiet, cleaning the air with a sound level equivalent to a gentle whisper (23-53 dB). And while AirSoap is not marketed as a device that kills COVID, the company says the air purifier is capable of capturing extremely small viruses such as coronaviruses and influenza, which are generally “too small for traditional filters to capture.”.

Suzette Childres
Suzette Childres

Extreme sushi junkie. Typical zombie fan. Friendly music enthusiast. Professional pop culture geek. Hipster-friendly social media evangelist. Typical pop culture scholar.

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